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Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority, Rufus Green a resident citizen of the Town & County of Bastrop, who upon oath states that he was present during the whole time of the holding of Justice Beavers Court on Thursday June the 4th 1868 - and was in a position in the room to see & hear all that was done or said and that Jno P Jones Sheriff of Bastrop County was not present in the room at the time Justice Beavers imposed the fine upon Maj Sayers and Affiant further states that if Sheriff Jones had been in the room he could have seen him - Affiant further states that the Sheriff did not come into the room untill Justice Beavers had adjourned his Court & then spoke to the guard immediately to take charge of the Prisoners, which they immediately did & the guard & Sheriff proceeded with the Prisoners to the Jail - Affiant further states that he has known Sheriff Jones ever since he has been the Sheriff of the County & has never known him to fail or refuse to do his duty on all occasions - 

R A Green.


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-25 13:29:37