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Personally appeared before me the undersigned Authority, S M Rowe, who upon oath states that he was one of the party that brought Stephen Snelling Chgd. with Theft of horses & delivered him to Sheriff Jones at Bastrop on Thursday the 4th day of June 1868— and that Sheriff Jones summoned him as, one of the guard to assist in bringing the Prisoners, Weaver & others from the jail to the Jury room in the Court house when Justice Beavers was holding his Court. Affiant further states the Sheriff placed affiant and James Rowe in the door of the Jury room, each leaning against the facing of the door— Affiant further states he heard Justice Beavers impose the fines on Maj Sayers. And that Sheriff Jones was not in the room nor at the door, and does not believe the Sheriff heard Justice Beavers, Affiant further states that from the position he occupied as guard he should & could have seen the Sheriff if he had been present— Affiant further states that when Justice Beavers had ajourned his Court & walked out of the room he met the Sheriff & ordered him to take the Prisoners to jail, the Sheriff spoke to the guard & the Prisoners were taken back to the jail. 

S. M. Roe


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-28 07:46:53