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Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority C C Watterson who upon oath states that he assisted Jno P Jones Sheriff Bastrop County in guarding the Prisoners Weaver & others. That on the 4th day of June 1868 he was present in the Court house during the session of the County Court and during the Court of Justice J M Beavers held in one of the Jury rooms. Affiant further states that at the time Justice Beavers imposed the fines upon Maj Sayers of fifty dollars, that the Sheriff was not present in the room but when Justice Beavers adjourned his Court he saw Sheriff Jones coming up the stairway. Affiant further states that the Sheriff met Justice Beavers just outside the jury room door & the only & first order to the Sheriff was, "Mr Sheriff take the Prisoners to Jail". The Sheriff then spoke to the guard & both Prisoners & guard accompanied by the Sheriff went to the Jail. Affiant has known Sheriff Jones, and as an officer, he has never known him to fail in executing & doing his duty.

C.C. Watterson
