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Statement of John M Beavers J.P.

I am a J.P. of Bastrop County, appointed by General Hancock - During the past week I have been engaged investigating the case of Weaver and four others charged with cattle stealing - On Tuesday, the first day set for the investigation I was assailed by lawyer Jones Atty for the defense for refusing to go into a trial or investigation of their cases for reasons which as a justice of the Peace I deemed valid  In his attack upon me he told me that I was the tool of a Military Despot. Said that General Reynolds was nothing but a Military Despot - that he, Reynolds, was riding about the country in an 8 or $900. carriage as a corrupt and bribed Despot. He also said that he would get down on his knees and eat dirt to exterminate or kill the last one of them, referring to General Reynolds and his Officers.

I adjourned the Court while Jones was talking in this manner indefinitely, the prosecuting attorney having got up and left and he (the attorney) tendered his resignation the next morning.

After Court adjourned I promised Sayers, Jones partner and who was also engaged in the defense 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-27 10:29:27