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B.R.F&c F.M.D. R. 206. 1868
T 294 R.F.AL Vols 13 '68.
Austin, Texas, September 19.1868
Roberts. C.S. Bvt Capt.
A. A. A. General,
Requests that Harry Young be appointed a Special Agent of Bureau at a salary of $60.00 per month from, Sept. 1st 1868, he has performed the duties of Sub Asst Comr at Austin under the nominal superintendence of the Post Commander for nearly a year in a manner to meet commendation of all, Recommends him as particularly qualified for the position. 
[[stamp]] BUREAU RF&AL WASHINGTON REC'D OCT 1 1868 [[/stamp]]
Recd BRF&c FMD September 19, 1868