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358 Vol 2

Headquarters, District of Texas,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands.
Austin, Texas, December 12th 1867.

May: Gen O. O. Howard,
Commissioner &C.,
Washington, D.C.,

General :-
I have the honor to request that the appointment of Chas. E. Culver as an agent of this Bureau, made June 21, 1867 to take effect June 1. 1867, may be canceled to date Nov. 16 1867: he having been murdered on that day.

Also that the appointment of R. S. Freeland as a clerk of the Bureau, made November 25 1867 to take effect Nov. 1. 1867. may be revoked; he having declined the appointment.

I am, General, Very Respt.,
Your Obdt Servant
J.P. Richardson
1st Lieut. 21st Inft;  A. A. A. Genl
(In absence of the Asst. Commissioner.)