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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 9th, 1905.

Theodore D. B. Freer, Esq.,
Vinita, I. T.

Dear Sir:--

I have your letter of December 7th enclosing a copy of a printed circular concerning Vinita. Unfortunately, I have no acquaintance with Representative Hamilton, and I am entirely unfamiliar with the merits of the matter at issue. I shall, however, look into the details explained in your circular and if I can consistently render you aid I shall gladly do so.

Like yourself, I, too, come from the original Hugo Freer stock. Hugo, the patentee, I mean. But I rarely have opportunity to see much of Ulster County and practically never have the pleasure of meeting distant relatives residing there.

Hoping that some day our paths may cross, I remain,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer