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Conservative Meeting. W54

A meeting of the Conservatives of Anderson County was held at the Court House in Palestine, on Saturday the 11th inst., for the purpose of organizing an association to act in concert with the Democratic Party. The meeting was organized by selecting Eld. J. J. HARRIS Chairman, ann JNO. S. SHATTUCK Secretary. The object of the meeting was ably explained by the Chairman

On motion of A. E. McClure a committee of ten was appointed to draft resolutions, to report to this meeting next Saturday.

On motion the meeting adjourned till Saturday the 11th to receive the report of said committee.

SATURDAY, 18th April, 1868

Meeting convened according to adjournment.

The following report of the committee of ten was then read, and, on motion were adopted without a dissenting voice:

To J. J. Harri's, Chairman of the County Convention:

The undersigned committee appointed to report resolutions expressive of the sense of this meeting, respectfully submit the following:

1st. Resolved, That the people of Anderson county who are in favor of the maintainance [[maintenance]] of the federal constitution, of upholding the laws of the land, and of the restoration of civil liberty and the rights of local self Government; and who oppose radical rule, military despotism, and negro supremacy, hereby organize themselves into an association to be styled the Democracy of Anderson County.

2nd. Resolved, That we will now elect a President and Secretary of this association, who shall continue in office until the end of the present year, or until others shall be appointed in their places; with authority to call meetings, to correspond with the State Central Committee and with other county organizations acting in concert with this association.

3d. Resolved, That this association hereby recommend to the citizens of each election precinct in this county, who may agree with them as to the necessity of carrying out these objects, to organize precinct associations with permanent officers for this year, with power to correspond with the county associations.

4th. Resolved, That the Hon. John Hancock, chairman of the State Central Executive Committee, be and is hereby respectfully requested to call a State Democratic Convention at Houston or at such other place and at such time as he may deem best, to organize the Democratic party of this State, and to appoint delegates to the National Democratic Convention at New York on the 4th of July next.

5th. Resolved, That 18 delegates be now appointed by the Chairman of this Convention to represent the Democracy of Anderson County in said State Democratic Convention when held.

6th. Resolved, That our object in recommending organization as Democrats is to enable us to act with the National Democratic party. There are now but two parties in the country: the Democratic, which supports the constitution, and maintains popular liberty, and the traditional policy of the government in its earlier and better days, and the Radical, which would destroy the constitution, and repudiate our past political traditions, and which has established military despotism in ten States, and is now engaged in an effort to Africanize the southern states, and to destroy civilization in them, at the great risk of involving them in a war of races and its consequent horrors and anarchy and which is now engaged in an effort to destroy the Executive, paralyze the judicial and consolidate all the power of the government in the hands of the legislative department. These parties antagonize each other, and interest, duty and patriotism require us without reference to past political names and party associa-

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