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of Hempstead there was 17 of them and I was informed the intention of that crowd was to go to Hempstead and get Mr Springfield and hang him - I saw no more of them until day before yesterday Thursday evening they were there in the edge of Howth Prairie and coming toward Hempstead. I did not know their destnation. This was 1/2 hour by sun down. I did not know their commander. 

I do not go about much - mingle very little with persons off the plantation and know but little else of the matter except that I am convinced and felt something wrong is on hand - and one other thing, having a perfect confidence in my employer and his assurance he would guid and inform me in all matters for my own good I I have not sought ouside advice or council.

Harry Loggins  his X mark

Sworn & Subscribed to before me this 27 day of June AD 1868 at my office in Hempstead
Henry L Rankin
Recorder & Ex Off JP

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t ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-02 12:08:11 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-02 12:35:09 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-02 13:17:13