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when they saw no large [[?]] of freedmen. Not over thirty in number - tho the horses saddled and guns stacked and a kind of defiance perceptible - they saw one of the rescued prisoners (of the night previous) on said plantation.

The information I give I derived from freedmen whence I have the utmost confidence some of who I raised and my own opinions that some deep and bloody deed is in contemplation is based on my own close observations each of which would perhaps seem small but in the aggregate are sufficient to had me to have my serious apprehensions.

I have had several messages (three in number) sent me by Freedmen that the 4th day of July night was set as the day of uprising Reuben Loggin

Sworn and subscribed to before me at my office in Hempstead this 27th day of June aD 1868.
Henry L [[Rankin?]]
Recorder & Ex off L.P.