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then had no means of preventing it they took precaution however, of leaving their arms in the Suburbs.

I addressed quite a gathering of both Races that night publicly explaining the Law to them and stating, to both whites and freedmen that they must come next day to the "Town Hall" where I would have a full investigation of complaints.  The party who brought in the prisoners wished me to take charge of them that night and turn them over to the Civil Authority this I declined doing and required them to turn back the Prisoners themselves, thus rescued from authority - .  The next morning "Saturday" there was a large gathering at the Hall of both races.  I addressed them reading and explaining the Statutes against "Unlawful Assemblies" "Carrying arms" and "discharging arms in any city or town" and the military order against military drilling and had a full investigation of the matter and the Causes seem to be these

1st.  The freemen had become terribly alarmed by extravagant reports made