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had become intense and on both sides serious fears of an outbreak entertained.  I telegraphed to Capt E Collins U.S.A. and he promptly ordered down 25 men under 1st Lieut CH Green USA by the train, this officer was fully posted as to condition of affairs and did good service in patrolling the town and restoring order, but for his presence and vigilance I am satisfied that some attempt of outrage would have been made.

IV.  On Sunday, extravagant reports came in of a large gathering of freedmen on the Grace Plantation "about 5 miles" distant.  I hired a conveyance & horse and at the request of citizens took the Sargent and City Marshall out to see the object of this gathering.  I found on my arrival 250 or 300 freedmen assembled for funeral services at a Grave and I gave them also a talk explaining the laws fully to them and cautioned them against acts of violence.

Accompanying are the affidavits of parties of both races as to the cause of the threatened outbreak.  You