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Affidavit No 2

State of Texas}
County of Travis}

J. Jerry Parsons (colored) being duly sworn depose and say On Monday 10th August at 11 o'clock I heard shooting betwixt Willow Creek and Elvis Creek. The same evening George Norris (Col) came and told me he had taken a man to my house who was shot. Anderson Hill was the mans name he was [[strikethrough]] hit [[/strikethrough]] shot in two places on the left shoulder one ball coming out, the other remaining in. I went on Tuesday morning 11th August with Mr. Chatman to search for a missing man who was with Anderson when shot, We found him about 100 yards from where anderson was shot - he was dead there were 2 holes in his head.

I worked [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] near Widow Lee's last year from the description of the two men given in Anderson Hill's affedavit I think I recognize two men who lived at the Widow Lee's place and who are I believe her grand children

George Norris the man mentioned above is a wagoner and has gone to Brenham -

Jerry Parson  his X mark

[[strikethrough]] W [[/strikethrough]]
Sworn & Subscribed before me this 11th day of August AD. 1868.

W D Scott JP
Travis County