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Affidavit No. 4

State of Texas   }
County of Travis }

I Lucious Halliday (colored) being duly sworn depose and say - that on Wednesday Evening I was deputized by the Sherriff of Travis County to arrest Oliver Spaulding accused of the murder of Henry Clay, owing to a difficulty about my horse I did not leave till [[strikethrough]] Wednesday [[/strikethrough]] Thursday morning and overtook a body of colored men just the other side of Gillilands Creek watching a man suspected of being said Oliver Spaulding. I learnt that they had been watching him all night, they continue doing so until they arrived by  Mr. Chapmans' house where the wounded man Anderson Hill lives they then asked the suspected man to come in to see Anderson Hill in order that as Anderson might recognize him of he was [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] one of the guilty parties, he made no objection went to see Anderson, who said he was not either of the murderers. 

I proceeded from Mr Chapmans horse in company with 20 citizens to the Widow Lees house - on [[?]] Prairie by this time it was sunny and we camped out that night, at early daylight we went to the widow Lees house. Old Mr Spaulding said the Oliver Spaulding and Alleck Cole had not been there for 4 day. I learnt from a girl in the house that Alleck Cole had been there the night before and had taken a bundle of clothes with him - She also said he was gone to his fathers down on Sandy Creek, This was Friday morning August 14th. About 7 Oclock my party started for Sandy Creek 5 miles from Sandy Creek we came to a house and a man hailed us, whose house we learned was Clements and wanted to 

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t ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-02 23:26:46