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Office Sub Asst. Commissioner
Bu R.F and AL
Austin, Tex, Sept 29" 68.

Bvt. Capt. CS Roberts
ADC, AAA Genl Bu RF and AL
Head Qur's F of the Mil Dist
Austin Texas,

In compliance with special Orders No 53 dated Head Qurs Fifth Mil Dist State of Texas, Bu R.F and AL Austin Texas, Sept 25th 1868. I arrived in Georgetown Sunday Sept 27th 1868 and immediately proceeded to investigate the annoyances offered to the Misses O'Connor by residents of Georgetown in regard to which Corporal James R. Fitzpatrick made an affidavit which was referred to the Sub Asst Commissioner at Austin for his action, from Head quarters Fifth Mil Dist State of Texas Bu R.F and A.L. Austin, Texas Sept 24, 1868.

Enclosed I have the honor to transmit the Statement of Miss Julia O'Connor endorsed by her sister - together with the Statement of the two colored boys - Caesar and Burrell Allen - and from various sources have gathered other information from which I believe the following account to represent the facts in the case.

Messrs. Barnart and Clark have recently commenced retailing liquor & their house is patronized by those who are most hostile to the recent legislation of Congress - On Friday night at a