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that he was going to see her and have a damned fine time with her - he also said he would have a nine or ten OClock chat with her he made some other remarks about not going to see Colored women - He then asked Caesar Allen to go and hunt for the place where the Miss O'Connors were staying. Then his brother told him not to do - but Hom Bass promised Cesar some whiskey and they went together to the grocery and Hom Bass gave Cesar some liquor, Cesar states that he then started to find out where the Misses O'Connor were staying, but was so drunk that he stopped on the corner, when Hom Bass following him took him by the arm and led him to where the ladies were staying

Cesar was sent into the house to say that a Yankee Soldier wished to see Miss OConnor - Miss OConnr brought a light and when she saw Hom Bass asked him what he wanted - He did not answer her, and some one behind said that his name was Hom Bass and that he was not a soldier Miss OConner turned around and went into her room - Hom Bass stayed round the house some time and at last went away - 

Sunday morning Miss Julia OConnor went to Mr Page the Mayor for redress. He told here that the case ought to be investigated by a justice of the peace - as it was probably a penitentiary offence  

That even if the case came within his jurisdiction he coud not arrest [[strikethrough]] him but [[/strikethrough]] J. Harry Johnson because he was the Marshall himself - The case was then referred to the two Justices of the Peace who did not appear to be going to do anything and on Monday morning the two Misses O'Connors prepared 

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