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to leave for Austin to lay their troubles before the authorities at Headquarters.

The citizens seeing this and fearing the establishment of a military post at Georgetown insisted that one of the Justices should take hold of the case - and J Harry Johnson was arrested tried and fined $10.00 Johnson was crying during the trial and when called on for his defence said he was ashamed of himself. That he was so drunk that he did not know what he did, but that he would admit every thing that Miss O'Connor had sworn he had done He also said he had been instigated to act as he had, but when asked who instigated him, e said that he was so drunk that he could not remember-  Hom Bass although present was not arrested because he has committed no legal offence. After the trial Miss Julia O'Connor thinking that justice had not been done her addressed the court Pointing to J. Harry Johnson she said the he had threatened her life but that she could forgive him, but that that man pointing to Bass had assaulted her character which she valued more than life and that she would never forgive him. She made some other remarks and it is reported that she created a sentiment in her favor and that she made many friends- Miss Julia and her sister then left After they had gone Hom Bass said "Whew! thats hot! I have never been spoken to by a lady like that before- All the people present made fun of him and two lawyers got up and stated that if the young ladies were annoyed in any way in the future they would appear for the prosecution and have the offender punished to the