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State of Texas }    
County of Williamson }

I, Julia O'Connor say
That on Friday night the 18th of September 1868 I and my sister had retired to bed and it was I think about 12 o'clock, a man came to our house and demanded admittance, this was at first refused. I told him to come in the morning, he said that if we did not let him in he would fire on us and kill [[strikethrough]] hi [[/strikethrough]] us all. By [[strikethrough]] v [[/strikethrough]] my speaking to him I should save all our lives. I asked if he would let us light our lamp he said he would, and I did so and opened the door. He then came in hat in hand introduced himself as J Harry Johnson [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] and took a seat; he was drinking - did smell of liquor but after coming in he behaved himself properly to us. [[strikethrough]] after [[/strikethrough]] When he was in, a colored woman looked into the door and Mr. Johnson drew his revolver and threatened to shoot her for watching him. When he had been in about 10 minutes some one knocked at the door and called Mr. Johnson out, he would not go. Mr. Edwin Anderson came and took him out.

The next night a man named Horn Bass came to me at a house I had gone to for protection and sent in a boy named Caesar to tell me that a U.S. Soldier wished to see me. I went to the door saw it was Bass asked him what he wanted he did not answer. Bass then left. he was intoxicated.

On Monday J. Harry Johnson was tried and fined $10.00

Julia O'Connor.

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