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State of Texas}                                 
County of [[strikethrough]] Travis [[/strikethrough]] Williamson}

Burrell Allen Freedman
That on Saturday night September 1868 at about 8 o'clock I was at Miss Julia O'Connor's house, Mr. Horn Bass came there and asked for Miss Julia O'Connor. I told him she was not in. He then asked me where she was. I told him I thought she was up to Aaron Williams (col) Horn Bass told [[strikethrough]] go [[/strikethrough]] my brother Caesar Allen to go and hunt her and find out where she was. I told him not to have anything to do with it. He went up town with Horn Bass - Before they left Horn Bass gave my Brother Caesar Allen a drink of whiskey. I had given Caesar a drink before this.  About 9 or 10 o'clock I came up town to hunt for Caesar. I found Horn Bass on the corner opposite where Miss Julia was staying. My brother was coming up the road and they met at the corner.  When Horn Bass was at Miss Julia House I heard him say that he wished to see Miss Julia that as she was the colored school Teacher he was going to have [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] a damned fine time with her a 9 or 10 o'clock chat with her, he told me this twice.
Burrell Allen his X mark

September 27. 1868
Henry Young

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-03 09:02:07