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abide the decision of Mr. Scott J.P.

Mr. Scott tried the case and gave a verdict for Mr. Cross. Tasby's lawyer applied for a new trial which was granted and a judgement given in favor of Tasby for $53.75

Mr Cross was dissatisfied and decided to take the matter to the district Court unless Mr. Scott granted a new trial. Mr. Scott in order to save delay granted a new trial.
Tasby is now dissatisfied with this decision and wishes to place the matter again in the hands of the Bureau.

I refused to interfere with the case on account of my previous investigation - which had been put a stop to by Tasby - during which Mr. Cross [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] and others had been uselessly summoned thereby loosing time - and because it had been mutually agreed to abide the decision of the Civil Courts

I am Sir
very respectfully
your obedient Servant
Henry Young
Pvt C Co 26th Infantry  Bureau Clerk in charge of office

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-03 08:59:06