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#33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 13th, 1918.

Ino Dan, Esq.,
18 Claverly Hall,
Cambridge, Mass.

Dear Mr. Dan:

The latter part of last week, I returned to Detroit and am now expecting to remain here during the coming Winter.

It was a pleasure to receive your good letter of recent date and to learn of your progress in study and recreation since we last met. I am much interested in all that you wrote and feel sure that your study at Harvard, the Metropolitan Museum in New York and elsewhere, will eventually add importance to your knowledge of the Fine Arts, and it also delights me to know that you are making so many fine acquaintances.

Mr. Bosch-Reitz of the Metropolitan Museum can aid you and will, I am sure, be glad to do for you everything within his power at the Metropolitan Museum, and I feel confident that your determination to visit the Museum again during your coming Christmas vacation, is wise.

I hope that ere long I may have the pleasure of seeing you again and I regret that at present I cannot suggest a time and place for our meeting. As travel is apt to affect my health, the doctors do not wish me to ride on railway trains or in motor cars any more than is absolutely necessary; therefore, I am not likely to be in New York