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Ansd Dec 18th

12 th December. 1918.
18 Claverly Hall

Mr. Charles L. Freer,
33 Ferry Avenue,
East Detroit.

My dear sir:
I am very sorry to write this letter to you. Though I promissed you to come in to New York by this Christmas vacation, as I was obliged to change my plan a little and I am going to have a trip to visit several cities of the east where I have never been, I will not be able to visit New York in this month. To say shortly I am having a change of the whole plan of my travel abroad and preparing to sail for England in next spring proberbly at the beginning of March. As I was not allowed to stay long in America and in Europe and I must see the whole world in 3 years I should think it is right time to go to England. Of cause there is still many things to do in America but as I am staying almost one year here, so I should like to sail out to see the other countries. I consulted with Mr. Seko of Mitui Co. New York and made my plan as following.

I will go out for a trip on 26th, Dec. and go to Niagara and stay one day at Baffaro, then to Pitsburg,Claveland, Washington. I also will visit Philaderphia and finally will come in to New York proberbly on 2nd or 3rd. of January staying one night or two there then will come back to Boston. About 20th of January I will move from Boston to New York with my baggage and I expect to stay in the city until March. As I expect there will not be much time in February to have the trip to see the cities so I decided to use this Christmas vacation for it. All about my plan of the travel over the world and about the departure and so on if I can, I should like see you and consult with you and to ask your advice. For present I haven't decided yet. And before I decide I should sincerely wont

Transcription Notes:
Unsure about the pencil number on the top right