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#33 Ferry Avenue, East,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 18th, 1918.

Ino Dan, Esq.,
Care, Mrs. Baker,
111 Ivy Street,
Brookline, Mass.

My dear Mr. Dan:-

You were most kind and thoughtful to write me your letter dated December 12th, but postmarked December 16th, which reached me an hour ago, and I am sending an immediate reply, as I want you to know that I am not expecting to be in New York much of any this Winter, unless ill health should require my presence here for medical treatment.

However, as you are planning to go to Buffalo and to Niagara Falls about the 26th of December, I wish that when you make this trip you would come on to Detroit and spend at least a day with me, as I should like greatly to see you and to discuss with you plans for the extensive traveling which you are now contemplating, and you can rest assured that when we meet I shall be glad to offer you any advice that may occur to me.

Should you prefer to come to Detroit direct from Boston, dont hesitate to do so any day convenient for you, only telegraph me in advance the day, hour and train of your arrival here.

You had better take a taxicab at the station in Detroit and come direct to the Hotel Statler, as I am living there this Winter and