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Letter #4 
Palace Hotel , San Francisco
Oct. 20th 1901

My dear Mr. Freer,

Here we are again safe in our native land, after a delightful summer in Japan! And glad to be actually beginning the work to which I have devoted this coming winter; glad, too, to hear from Miss Jenkins that you are back from Capri
and interested in my proposed visit to Detroit.
Upon arriving in San Francisco I found my lecture plans clouded in uncertainty, because it had been so difficult for my secretary, at the distance of New York, to harmonize the partially conflicting interests, as to dates, of various Clubs and institutions. But my personal presence soon straightened all this out; and my
subjects now seem to be awakening the greatest
enthusiasm in San Francisco, Oakland, and the
Leland Stanford University; so that my dates
are nearly all filled up to the time of my departure for Denver on November 8th or 9th.

In Colorado, too, engagements seem still uncertain, and from the same causes; but there is now every prospect of my being able to arrange everything from here satisfactorily by letter. If I find, as a friend here says, that I
am my own best advertiser, and that I can