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tering a very long absence that must last til December, that I am not able at this moment to promise an exact day for departure. I think, however, that it need not be later than the 16th, and that I can arrive in Detroit not later than the 18th- and since it is not imperative that I reach New York by any fixed date, I can plan to stay with you, if it do not inconvenience you, until about the 25th-. so that we can only inform a white week, at least, of pleasant work together.

Perhaps I can arrive in Detroit as early as the 17th- Will it inconvenience you to allow me so much leeway, as to plan my visit between the 17th and 25th? I can inform you of the exact date of my departure a few days beforehand.

Anticipating with pleasure this series of varied attractions,

Yours most loyally,
Ernest F. Fenollosa