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I will look in again in a day or two.

Meanwhile I can say that, at first go off I was not particularly impressed with what I saw. Artistically the alleged Koyitsu was the best; but I have never seen anything by K. in such pure Kano style, a style that is specially close to [[Yei tobu?]]'s pupil, Yusho. The [[Yei tobu?]] (so called) with drapery on a rock is surely not by Y, but by some inferior and probably nameless man of his school. The alleged Mitsushige is an anomaly, combining Kano features with something that might be supposed Toru, and I doubt whether it is by any identifiable artist. The strong ink-painted screens, said to be by Sesson, are not at all bad, but I see little trace of S. They appear to be, more likely, by an artist like Hasegawa Tohaku who lived later. The Kano gold and colored screens with figures, large figures, are by some secondary Kano at the time of Tanyu or just after, possibly identifiable.

I am afraid you will think this praise rather faint, and so it is. But I records only my first impression, and will write you my deliberate judgment when I