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at least this is say something which no one else is likely to say or to say with the same authority.

Last evening Mrs. Fenollosa and I were the guests at dinner of President and Mrs. Charles DeKay at the National Art Club where afterwards gave an illustrated lantern lecture devoted chiefly to the work of Kakei and [[?Senhu?]]. We met many charming people, including Mr. Kurtz of the St. Louis Fair. He and Mrs Ives will be here again about the 15th and I opened the question with him of doing some semi-official work on Japanese Art connected with the Fair. He expressed much interest. If you see Mr. Ives, I should be grateful if you would put in a word for me. I remember that you spoke of this some time [[strikethrough]] again [[/strikethrough]] ago. John La Farge sent me a sweet letter, regretting his absence through illness, last evening.

My lectures at New Haven (Yale Art School) seem to be breaking the New England ice.

The package with the pictures arrived safely. Of course I entirely acquiesce in what you say about them.