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one But, if anything has since occurred which makes it inconvenient to you to
have me at just those dates, I am sure you will not hesitate to inform me.
During that week I shall probably have to take one night off, to run over to Toledo for a lecture. Perhaps they can arrange, for that, the evening of Saturday the 16th - on my way to Cincinnati.

Of course, I shall be glad also to give a lecture in Detroit, if Mr. Griffith finds it convenient to arrange for one. 
Also, a very celebrated art historian and critic, whose book you probably know, Mr. Bernard Berenson of Florence, will be, with his wife, at Detroit, for one or two days during that week; and they are very anxious to have me procure from you an invitation to have them come over from the hotel, some day, to see your Japanese paintings. I know of no more genuine lovers of Japanese and Chinese art than they. It need not interfere with the photographer, when we once get him started.
If it be not too much trouble, I wish you would secure the