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Slide Mountain P.O. 
Oct 22nd/92.

Dear Mr. Hecker,

Your favors of the 17th and 18th inst. are rec'd with contents and appreciated. I am pleased to know that all is going well at home.

Our trip is proving so very enjoyable I almost fear writing any details of the succession of golden days - for so many reasons:- one of which is the total inadequacy of words, at my command, to transcribe the treasures of feeling and sight with which we have been so abundantly blessed, still, recognizing my limitations, I must write, at least a few words, concerning a trip finished by us this afternoon.

Early yesterday morning Mr. Church, Mr. Bulson (an artist from Boston) the only other guest now in this valley - myself and two guides, and two faithful dogs started for the top of Panther Mountain. We reached the summit during the afternoon and built our Balsam Camp before sunset, which we named Camp Church, with proper ceremonies. While eating our supper, the evening star in its pale beauty replaced a brilliant sunset, then came the wonderful calm and peace of night in the mountains, made irresistibly mysterious by the unfamiliar sounds of the forest, the subtle harmony of the procession of the stars, the changeful and unsubstantial reflections of camp fire on trees, rocks, and atmosphere, (huge shadows of our own figures thrown against the mountain mist). Later the revelation of the morning star, then the immortal beauty of dawn, and the discovery of another and a new day with its prophecies of life and 

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