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Letter #3


is feeling very well.

On arrival here yesterday I found the best letter I have seen from Watson's pen since he was first taken ill. It was quite lengthy and clear and hopeful.

I shall try to send you a few lines to-morrow morning along with the plans form Davenport, but lack of time may prevent.

So let me add a word or two of farewell. The best of all that is good I wish for you and yours.

Sincerely yours,
Charles L Freer

P. S. Bill will come from Takayanagai for bronzes amounting to about $85✓ $75. Another from Kaskels a for shirts amounting to about $24. From Gourlays for shirts amounting to about $18. I can think of no other unpaid bills, but if any are presented, I think Harry and the chef between them can straighten them out.

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