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don't get such stuff very often here. Tomorrow night I give a swell dinner to Whistler, Dewing and MacMonnies in the restaurant Cuba. MacMonnies is very interesting and charming, his wife equally so. They gave a luncheon for Dewing and I, day before yesterday, at their home which is really as handsome as Whistler's. Miss Hollowell was present. I have lots of pleasant little attentions from various artistic circles and find the days flying like wind. I have not yet decided when or on what ship to start for Ceylon. All that go within the next three weeks are already crowded. Of course, I will cable you as soon as I decide. I may not go to England at all, especially if I should sail on the 25th inst. on the "Natal" of the Messayenes Maritimes from Marseille, which has some vacant space.

I have purchased from Whistler specially choice impressions of twenty lithographs of nineteen there are duplicates for you --- of the twentieth --- (No.19 The Porch) he could not let me have another copy. As he considers it very bad and fit only as collector's proof which I am to return to him later in exchange for another should the stone eventually give satisfactory proofs. I am sending all to you by American Express together with a list giving Nos. Titles and price. You will find numbers on the back.

Please select your nineteen impressions whichever please you best---and then kindly have the Che'f put mine in the vault. The proofs are all superb. Some of them are the very first and just from the printer and are not in the Wunderlich Exhibition. I have paid Whistler, so the financial part is taken care of. He has commenced a painting for me which he will not show me until next Monday. He says that he has also a very fine pastel laid away for me. Should I get both I will be most fortunate.

Thayer and I missed seeing each other in Italy. He sailed for N.Y. Oct. 25th from Genoa. Dewing is settled in London and sends best wishes to yourself and family. Let me add mine also. May you all enjoy the best of all high things.

Yours sincerely,

My India address will be c/o Thomas Cook and Sons, Bombay, India.
Long hand.