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Trichinopoli, India

Dear Mr. Hecker,

After my Christmas at Anuradhapura from which place I both cabled and wrote to you, I gradually worked my way hither via Tuticorin. Your kind cable with Christmas greetings and welcome tidings concerning Watson reached me at Colombo on the 2nd inst. Of course, I was much pleased to know that Watson's condition is steadily improving, that others were all well, and "Merry Christmas" is appreciated the world over. Out here, practically no business is done, even telegraphing, between Dec.23rd and Jan.3rd. During this period the English devote themselves to amusement and the natives not to be outdone begin a little earlier and continue their festivities to about Jany. 10th. The present is the great festival time of Southern India and I am up to my neck in the fun. The greatest of Hindu Temples (original are scattered between Madras and Tuticorin --- particularly at Madura, Trichinopoli, Seringham Tanjore, Chilambaram all of which places I expect to visit before the close of the festival season. Trichinopoli is very gay today with its crowds of gaily dressed natives (have seen only four whites) good natured, good looking, following the religious practices of thousands of years. Singing, marching, dancing, exchanging visits, giving flowers, bathing in the Kaveri River and in sacred tanks, crowding to the temples, carrying great bejeweled idols and doing as they please without government interference. It is all strangely picturesque and extremely fascinating. In the thickest of the crowd this morning my progress not at all unpleasant to me, seemed not to please one of the high priests who sent a splendid big elephant with a crowd of servants to walk beside me so that I should have plenty of room. My guide however, who hates the Hindu's, said the high priest didn't care a rap for me, but did not want the clothing of his chosen ones defiled by coming too near me.--- either way --- It was great fun. I have been granted admittance to the fifth inner wall (there are seven) of the great Vishna Temple - (the largest in India) at Seringham for tomorrow morning when the event of the year occurs. It's a very unusual favor and I stumbled upon it accidentally today --- but how, is a long story and seems almost incredible. Something may occur to knock me out but I feel confident of seeing the whole religious observance including the taking of the most sacred idol from its throne. Tomorrows festivities will be