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mysterious way which baffles our understanding. I of course will receive particulars by letters later, in the meantime, I accept this sorrow, and I feel poor George has with its thousand fold more force to him, as for the best.

As for Frankie I am perfectly confident her years of devotion to her family and friends together with other duties in what is wrongly termed the humbler paths of life (I am learning they are the nobler for) will eventually by fully rewarded.

With the children all will go well, from to theirs George has always given much care and there are many willing hands to aid him. I am glad that Anna could go to Kingston for I saw at Stanford last fall that Georg was fond her - and a word or two from her would help him over what otherwise might prove a severe test. He is extremely tender at heart and when overtaxed, his feelings master his strength temporarily. I trust the sorrow has not taken from Watson the strength he as recently acquired. He and Frankie were very fond of each other