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Ajmere, India 
February 5th/95

Dear Mr. Hecker,
Your kind letters of Dec.24th and 31st reached me just as I was leaving Bombay and this is my first opportunity to reply. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At Ahmedabad I found the most beautiful wood carving I have ever seen and was treated with great consideration by a charming old Jain family.

At Jodhpore the Maharajah extended princely courtesies giving me the unlimited use of his private stables, servants, and sent one of his personal friends who speaks English perfectly to show me all of the sights--- many of which are seldom seen by any one. The Maharajah himself does not speak English, is a very independent ruler and extremely rich. His jewels would fill a hogshead and some are very choice specimens. Jodhpore nobility are much interested in the proceedings of the parliament of religion held at Chicago. Within an hour I have received a telegram from the Resident of Oodeypore making clear the way to the City of Oodey--pore and its sights --- said to be the most beautiful city in the world.Because of political reasons white guests have not been welcomed at Oodeypore this winter --- and I was advised by every one to make no effort to get there as it would only end in disappointment --- but I am again blessed by good fortune and shall start tonight for this famous place. The scenery is said to equal Kashmir, and the palaces are most romantic in location and history. Should I succeed in meeting there Fatah Lil Metha, a young native prince, who is fond of Americans I will probably have another bang up event to add to those I have already struck.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

With best wishes to all,
Ever sincerely

Have word from Dewing that my pictures reached him in good order.

Long hand.