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Bankipore Junction,
March 9th,1895.

Dear Mr. Hecker,

I have had next to no opportunity during the last week to write letters and during that time there have come from you yours of Jan.16, 25th and February 2nd, also the sketches of elevation for Anna's house. I think the plans very good and the exteriors well designed. Of the latter I prefer No.1 and will so cable you from Calcutta tomorrow. Surely either of them would make an extremely comfortable house and at the same time be very attractive, particularly as the lot will show up so well any building placed upon it - i.e. the designers have an unusually excellent chance to make every point of design show to very best advantage. It will make a very swell corner, and I shall look for further charges, and heavy ones, from you, for making beautiful the two corners of block containing my house. I am daft on Indian architecture, just now. It has so many fine points for domestic application, and the time is not far distant in my opinion when modifications of it will be used to great advantage (artistically) in America. It needs plenty of ground however --- and of that we are too stingy in our country.

I am of course, quite glad of your sending K is P to Cleveland. Use your own good judgment in such matters and I will be entirely pleased with whatever you do. I have read with much interest all that you wrote concerning George and trust that his family and business matters will eventually shape themselves more comfortably. I am greatly obliged for the advice you gave him as I know he is --- and any financial arrangements you make for him will be entirely satisfactory to me. I don't care whether it be $10,000 or three times that amount. Of course, I am entirely in accord with all of the A and F transactions named in your letters. The wonder to me is that you have found it possible to do so well in such depressed times. The depression is not confined to American alone. It prevails here and in Australia and throughout Europe --- Gold!!! seems to be the one things talked about. But I can see more than that ahead --- India!! and India grain and cotton are sure to bankrupt many a poor devil diffing his life away in our western states. Economies such as prevail here would drive terror to the heard of the lowliest pole --- and still the Indian thrives and is happy. They, like their country, are marvelous and not easily understood, and the more I see of them and their country the deeper the mystery of all.