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the Union Car Co.

The terms of payment dont seem to me bad considering everything and I trust, you will have no trouble in floating it. Let me congratulate you most heartily.

The Rogers Co's affairs do appear discouraging but the salvation of our investment doubtless depends as you suggest, upon, negotiations with the Merganthaler Co.

This is not a very comfortable steamer, but I have not much more time to stay in her I am glad to say. Sometime tomorrow, we are due at Colombo and my only regret is stepping ashore will be to part company with a few Anglo Indian acquaintances who go on to London in the Chusan. Mr Plumbs friend Mr Logan is on board with his party. They stop at Colombo a couple of weeks and then go to Japan. Very pleasant people they are and I am glad to know them.

Day before yesterday, I left my servant at Madras, his home, I was very sorry to part with him and miss him greatly. He is a remarkable young man and a typical specimen of a race who come after us will learn a great deal.

I am not very well. The trouble of which I previously wrote you has settled in the groin and hangs on persistently. I think a slight improvement is noticeable, but I am convinced that I shall not have much use of my right leg for at least two or three weeks longer. The D'r permits no walking beyond that of actual