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an American missionary astride a modern bicycle!! He was long, and lean, and sad and very hungry looking --- And the hundreds of Buddha images along the road changed not their unruffled calm, their artless meditation. 

The summer wind still caressed the Shinto torii with accustomed softness and the sunlight touched temple and shrine with old time sweetness and tenderness. It was not an ash strewn road--- "The Gods of the Fathers of this Island" seemed still to live!!! I am not sure of spiritual sympathy for that poor, possibly, heroic missionary--- but I was irrisistibly [[ irresistibly]] touched by his forlorn looks and seemingly hopeless mission. 

And still not so very many centuries ago Buddha was unknown in Japan--- Strange that the country who then sent missionaries should now be so humiliated by those whose souls they then desired to save. Query: Is America to be treated like China? And when is the very essence, the divine in all religious beliefs to overcome the bigotry of so-called Christians and so-called pagans. In the Orient one's mind frequently and easily turns many corners of the endless road to the great unknown. To this stranger in India that Faith which drove Buddhism from its very birth place to China, Korea and finally Japan seems the representation of Archaic Truth. 

In Japan a highly idealized, elusive, aesthetic interpretation, a mingling of innocence, magic and vapory reverence together with admirable contentment and gladdened existence compels one to recognize a holiness in Buddha's teachings exceedingly charming and perfectly harmonious with summery Japanese life. 

And here Shintoism a somewhat less aerial faith has many devoted followers including the imperial family. Some of its temples are truly charming structures. They usually stand side by side with those of Buddha but are less ornate and more to my liking architecturally. At times, I think the splendid groves of pine, cedar, camphor and other great trees surrounding the Japanese temples the finest forestry I have ever seen--- Forest may impress you as extravagant--- but I assure you in many places no other word would apply.

One of the greatest charms of my country trips is the splendor of trees, foliage and blossoms!! Everywhere--- evidence of Japanese intelligent, discriminating, reverential gardening and forestry. 

I fear this fearful writing will hardly pay you for deciphering. Should it prove very toublesome [[troublesome]] lay it aside for