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July 24th, 95.

Dear Mr. Hecker:

My last jinricksha trip came to an end here a day or two ago, and this evening I part company for a while with my faithful crew --- they going to their home at Kioto --- I to Miyanoshita for a few days and then leisurely to Kioto. I have become very much attached to my servants and shall feel quite lost without them. Each one of them [[strikethrough]] have their [[/strikethrough]] has his little japanese failings but I have learned to consider all their shortcomings mere jokes and to enjoy them accordingly. It's the only way to do in a country such as this. And self control once well in hand amusement is easily and steadily had.

I would like to write you many incidents but I think they would be better understood if told verbally, so I will reserve for evenings at your home and mine.
During the latter part of May my guide as you know, fell sick and came to his home in this city. Well, after getting nicely on his feet again, he was nabbed by police for misdemeanors committed in Paris two years ago and on the 16th inst. was sentenced to three months' imprisonment at hard labor and a moderate fine. His wife (?) came to meet me in the country and to explain how that serious illness kept Nomura at home etc.,etc., but her lacquer was too thin --- however I let her think that I believed her story and she really has done me many little favors. Her record would probably debar her from orthodox circles in America --- and not withstanding her little tricks played upon me I must confess her quite interesting --- a curious mixture of Oriental morals in which the devil and the butterfly seem ever present. Nomura's arrest lead to a slight mix up of all my things (curios) in his possession and to my mail but all is now straightened up and I have your letters of May 17th, June 1st and June 14 all of which interested me greatly. 

I can hardly realize that my year is nearing its end so rapidly --- a year ripe with certain influences which I hope will result in lasting good, and other influences which make up that strange mixture called experience --- and which comes in varied degrees into all lives.

With love and best wishes       

Yours ever

Long hand.