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after three pm of which we know lots, the conditions generally are all that we could ask. Excepting our trip to Sicily, as yet we have not been twenty miles away from Naples!! And Capri is not yet half exhausted to say nothing of Amalfi, La Cava, Parslum, Ischia, Cassola, Terrecina, Garta and other points of most attractive interest in sight from Monte Salero from where we saw them all yesterday. Just when we shall start for Rome and the north, I know not, in reality care not, for the delightful features of this locality at Springtime, are quite new to me and as yet, entirely agreeable. The flowers and foliage are wonderfully fine, the weather clear, the boating and bathing perfect, and besides there is no [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]] crowd. 

Tom is a first class walker and ready for any sort of fun at the drop of the hat, but I fear he finds me slow-gaited!!

With best wishes to yourself and family in which Tom[[strikethrough]] s[[/strikethrough]] joins, I remain

Charles L Freer

I have ordered forwarded to me at Detroit 100 bottles of wine. Will you kindly have Aikman attend to the duty on arrival. It is shipped care of M.D.T. in bond.


Transcription Notes:
Tom & Aikman are mentioned in prior letters