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resembling a Roman Emperor don't be astonished.

This afternoon we leave here for Florence where we expect to remain until Tom has studied the portraits and busts of the Emperors and Venuses of olden days to be seen there & thence to Venice for two or three days, and then rather hastily to London stopping in Paris for a day or two only.

We are both glad we came and doubtless will be delighted to return.

Aside from three or four rainy days lately, the weather has been perfect and all has gone comfortably indeed. The attack of nose bleed that bothered me some days is a thing of the past and I am feeling very well.

Tom is fine condition and brown as a berry. He joins in warmest regards to yourself and family.


P.S. Prof Rice of Williamstown and I met, much to our mutual surprise, in a shop in the square of Spain a day or two ago. We hope see something more of each other in London next month.