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Hotel Royal Daniell
Venise, July 7th 1899.

My dear Colonel:-

I have purchased a small porcelain figure of 18th century manufacture and have arranged with Antonio Carrer to forward the same to your address in bond via M.D.T.C. from N.Y.

Will you kindly clear the same on arrival and have Aikman care for the same pending my return. It is very fragile and it might be well to have Harry present when the package is opened at the Custom house. I paid 350 Liras for the figure and enclose invoice herewith. 

Tom and I leave Venice tomorrow going to Geneva via Como. From Geneva to London via Paris spending a day or two at the latter place - so we expect to arrive in London about the 15th inst.

Italy has been very good to us, better perhaps than we have been to ourselves. But we have had lots of fun, good health and thus far no fights. Tom's collection is now complete!!

I have renewed my acquaintance with some earlier friends at the Uffizi and Bargello in Florence - and at Santa Maria Frari and at San Zaccaria in Venice. 

The little marble portrait of Tuscany and the Madonna of Bellini remain my favorites still of the Renaissance. Of course, in a broader, fuller sense Raphael's and Botticelli's work equal and perhaps excell my little friends.

We seldom see newspapers or see Americans so we know little of affairs at home but we trust that in a general way all goes