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Villa Castello [-Capri_]

Sunday June 9th 1901.

Dear Colonel:-

This is the ninth day since landing at Naples and the energy brought from home, together with that accumulated enroute has enabled me to attend to some matters in Naples and to take the "Sorrento drive". I found Sorrento, Positano, Amalfi and Ravello as picturesque and charming as ever, and was glad to see again a few old acquaintances idling away the warm sunny days as in earlier years. But today I have settled down in our pretty villa in true Capri style wihtout a wish or any expectation of leaving the island until my homeward northern trip begins.

I find everything about our little place delightful and many new attractions added since my former visit.

The improvements to the house add greatly to its beauty and comfort, and the garden is really lovely. The planting of last fall and this spring is thriving wonderfully and the result is already most noticeable and satisfactory. I have never seen more beautiful flowers - and they are everywhere in greatest profusion, within the gardens, through the vine-yards, over the walls and to the very tops of the mountains. 

Tom is as happy as can be, looks splendidly and lives like a philosopher. 

If you could be here for even a day only, you would I am sure, say that he chose wisely and well when he determined upon his present course. 

Coleman's health is improving and my acquaintances here seem