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Weber's Hôtel, Dresden
July 21st 1901.

My dear Colonel:-

Your good letter of the 2nd inst, reached me here yesterday and indeed I need not assure you proved very welcome. I am glad to hear of Frank's continued improvement and of other home news.

The last words received from Louise were by wire and were to the effect that her baby was well again. Good!

I have been most fortunate here in seeing the Oriental art in the Royal Museum under the personal direction and instruction of Drs. Zimmerman and Richter, curators of departments and writers on the subject. In porcelain they have many supremely fine specimens but in Japanese pottery they are away behind my own little group. The most important exhibit to me is their group of only partially identified ancient pottery, but all of Oriental make. It is wonderfully instructive and was the means of bringing about a most pleasant acquaintance between the Drs. mentioned and myself. The whole story shall be yours when next we meet and I am sure it will interest you - particularly that part of it showing how a student is received and treated in the institutions of art and education in this fine city. I had intended to go direct from here to Paris, but Dr Zimmerman wont [[won't]] hear of my leaving the country until I have seen some pottery at Berlin and Hamburgh, so I start for Berlin tonight and if I can spare the time, and dont [[don't]] get too full of the subject, I may go on to Hamburgh before starting for Paris.