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truest of men, and one of the best of friends. He will be missed by many, and for many years. At the Yondotega a big hole has been cut in the Board of Governors which can never be filled.

May he rest happily. I am glad you sent my mite for the island sufferers - what a frightful affair it is turning out to be - and how quickly relief has been furnished by America - Such ready generosity and prompt work enables an American to stand up, even in this vast town!


I am so glad also to hear that Louise and Henry and Louise's little one are all getting on so nicely. It is really comforting to hear such news from ones friends.

As to myself well, I must write briefly or this letter [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] will grow into a volumn [[volume]] - So, I'll mention things in as concise manner as possible - without headlines and boiled down to a degree exceeding the "summary of news" as published daily in the "Times".

First and best - I am perfectly well and correspondingly happy.

Second - I have just cabled you asking you to send me