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Good for your sale of Beaver Mine. I hope you will make it all up in the Yaeger Canon.

Mr. Whistler consents to the use of photographs of our pictures by him, in Caffin's book. Will you kindly notify Montross. I fancy that Tryon consents though I have not heard from him. Would it not be well for Montross to make sure on that point before he delivers our photos to the printer?

The plans named for increasing the capital stock of the State Bank including price, underwriting, etc., etc., are entirely satisfactory to me. Will you kindly sign in my behalf, whatever documents I may be expected to attach my name to and do for me anything and everything needful - even to sending in my resignation as a director, if in getting in new or for any other reason it should be desirable.

Have read Thayer's note with interest. Good! Glad he is to get something in return for his big picture. Fine things here are doubling and trebling in price. A shop is now being opened here in New Bond St. by Knoedler, for the exclusive sale of American pictures. How is that?

Whistler is great just now! I am spending much of my time with him and in doing my portrait he is making me look like a pope, but then that is all right for there will of course, be little of Freer of it. It will surely be all Whistler!!

I am sending to your address, from Yamanaka of London in bond to Detroit, a box containing some pottery and some books I have picked up here, also some fine tea --- 3 pkgs. of the latter: one for Mrs. Hecker, one for Anna and one for myself. When the box is opened will you kindly request Mrs. Hecker's acceptance of hers with my compliments and kindest regards. Tell her please to add of this tea 1/5 to the tea she buys in America. It's for flavoring only and not to be used alone.

Kindly send Anna's package to her and I will write to her. 

A full list of the things will go to you by next mail. 

Must now close this long letter so as to get it in mail for tomorrow's steamer. 

With every good wish to yourself, your family and to all enquiring friends, I am,

Always faithfully
Charles L. Freer

Long hand.