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12 Boulevard des Capucines
le June 24th, 1903

My dear Colonel:-

The attractions of Paris are of many kinds, some I can resist others I cannot.

Today, Mr. Bing threw me high into the air. Tomorrow or next day, I must pay him 20,000 francs 800£, and I shall have to use my letter-credit accordingly. I am writing as promptly as possible, so that you may have time in which to sell more bonds.

Tomorrow afternoon I dine with Mr. Bing and see his private collection, the next afternoon I am to be the guest of Mr. Koechlin who has the finest collection of Oriental art in Paris. The doors of the home of the late Mr. Gillot are also to be open to me. Mr. Gillot was the first french-man to buy Oriental art and it is likely that his collection will be sold at auction some time next year. The collections of Messrs. Mazzi, Vever and Baroness de Bairn are also to be shown to be if I dare trust myself to such attractions. Bing is mighty kind but very seductive. All frenchmen love money.

Hoping you are very well,

Always sincerely

Charles L. Freer

Long hand.