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The Coburg Hotel,
Carlos Place,
Grosvenor Square.W.

June 1st/05.

Dear Colonel Hecker:

I have again bowed to temptation and fallen by the wayside! This time it's almost a repetition of the Theobald transaction of some years ago.

That circumstance involved thirty-four framed Whistlers. The one of today consists of thirty-three framed Whistlers in pastel, water color, chalk, ink, pencil and one oil (all small) and forty-eight etchings and two pastels -- each one rare and very fine. It is the collection of Thomas Way of which I spoke with you before leaving Detroit. Mr. Way was Whistler's financial backer during the first Venice trip and afterwards the printer of his lithographs. During earlier visits I bought things from him and today I closed for all of the balance of his Whistler collection as enumerated above. The price agreed upon is £4,700.

I have today made draft on my letter of credit for £1,000 which I have already handed to Mr. Way. The balance three thousand seven hundred pounds are to be sent to Mr. Way from Detroit within two weeks from today.

Will you kindly remit him for my account accordingly? Good luck and Way's honesty in keeping his promise to me has ended in putting this crowning addition to my collection. I am willing to make any sacrifice financially to complete this transaction and I will greatly appreciate your aid in the matter. Kindly sell from my securities or borrow thereon as you may deem best to keep my bank acc't. in order and be good enough to remit the sum of three thousand seven hundred pounds to

Thomas Way,
21 Brunswick Square,
W.C. London.

Now, I must call a halt! But, to have stopped earlier would have been worse than a sheriff's sale.

Your good letter of May 15th is received and enjoyed.

I am glad that the transfer of Free Press stock was finally accomplished without friction or unpleasantness.

Yes, Campau is slow but I hope that 'ere this he