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3 Rue de Castiglione 
Le June 28th, 1905.

My dear Colonel:

Your letter and personal note of the 16th inst. are received and enjoyed. Thank for all the news. Yes it's a pity the General did not make his plans known earlier. The army of candidates to succeed him will now soon begin training and I suppose that lot will include some amazing specimens. I can't help feeling that it may be worth your while after all, to give more consideration to the matter from a personal point of view.

I am about through with the work marked out in Paris - so, tomorrow I go to Touraine for a week in the Chateau towns, then a couple of days more here and I shall go to London. From London I shall visit Holland after which more of England and a little of Scotland. The few days spent in the country flashed by at amazing speed, but they left delightful impressions. I am anticipating many similar ones beginning tomorrow.

Coleman soon goas Capriward, Morse starts for Spain in a day or two, Bing is in hospital undergoing and operation, Migeon is off to the seashore and my other friends with whom I have been here are gradually wandering away. if I stayed much longer I would be the last vegetable of the season.

Trusting you are will in Detroit and with the kindest messages to all,

Very sincerely yours,
Charles L. Freer

Long hand.