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passengers. I bought a first-class pass anger ticket Batavia to Singapore via the Dutch Packet Co for use last week with all sorts of assurances about a good room &c &c. Took my luggage to the ship and was shown a cabin in the 2nd class containing five berths one for me the other four for fellow passengers of varied kind and color-not one white and all of uncertain sex principally eunuchs, I guess. I'll not attempt herein a description of the kick or "gentle remonstrance", I made on the spot.
I got my money back, rescued my luggage and walked the gangplank ashore. By "walking" I mean that I escaped being kicked ashore. I went back inland and spent a week longer amidst the wonderful hills and jungles and tomorrow, I start for Singapore once more under better auspices in the "La Seyne" a French craft of early vintage and given over largely to the care of ancient bugs and hoary pests who claim and get first place below deck. I know, for I came over here in her - and I slept both nights on deck. Of course moonlight you know!!  This trip there will be no moon and of course, rain!  But this and the missing mail is the fault of man. (bye the way, my honored relatives - the Dutch! I am glad my mother's family left Holland before the craze for Tropical possessions got abroad in her land.) There is much in Java that's disappointing but its all owing to the Dutch! Its a good think they are so slow and stupid or in their dull headstrong way they might have ruined the whole place. Of course, not all Dutchmen are bad, but many of those here are bad enough. The natives are charming the landscape the most beautiful I have ever seen, the ground the most fertile, the gardens most fascinating, the homes the simplest, the people, excepting foreigners, the happiest and the temple ruins - well, they must be classed with the