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are allowed to leave at Kobe, I shall be included --- otherwise I shall go on to Yokohama.

As soon as possible, I shall take steps to engage my homeward passage. I was told in Hongkong that the steamers from Japan during April and May are already jammed, so, I shall get the best I can during June. I may not reach Detroit until July --- but will soon know definitely, after which I will advise you. In Japan, I shall feel much nearer home and in much closer touch by mail or wire. My address there will be in care of Hongkong Shangai Bank, Yokohama --- a great institution, of course. At the rates charged for exchange on London and N. Y. and for the exchange on currency, banking out here must be very profitable. The International Bank has attractive and convenient offices at Singapore, Hongkong, Canton and Shanghai. I picked upwhat gossip I could concerning it and I was glad to hear only words of praise for the institution. An inspector of the International from New York, was on board the "Ville de la Coitat" on a tour of inspection but I did not make his acquaintance. His appearance and conduct on board were first class. The bank should eventually do well, but its expenses at present, in the "Far East", must be heavy, and then, too, it has very strong competitors everywhere --- the Hongkong, Shanghai, of course, the most powerful. Since leaving Batavia no news from home could very easily reach me, and that awaiting me at Yokohama or enroute there, is much in my mind. I am anxious to hear about Anna and am hoping for much better news of her health. I trust, too, that others of your family, including yourself, are all well. 

With best wishes to all, I remain
Very sincerely yours, 
Charles L. Freer.

The change from the heat of the equator to the chilly north east winds of the China sea is a severe contrast, but effects me very little. I am still perfectly well and life seems very precious.

Best regards to Hance and the fellows at the "Yon".

Long hand.